Customer is not satisfied with UDM products he can return it within 30 days from the date of purchase and the product shall be in the saleable condition. He can only return to the distributor from whom he has purchased. After filling a prescribed form distributor can exchange the used product with a fresh product without any cost upon submitting the original invoice. Once a customer returns the product customer will not be entitled to make any further purchases.

Since only satisfied customers can become UDM distributors, customer cannot claim refund, can only exchange the product from the company. Distributors can cancel the first order against the termination of his distributorship before the cut- off date of the same week. Once distributors cancel his first order he will not be entitled to have a new distributorship for the next 90 days from the date of cancellation. Eligibility for return of products includes the following criteria.

The product was purchased in the last 30 days, the product is in its original packaging, the product isn’t used or damaged, you have the receipt or proof of purchase, Products that do not meet these criteria will not be considered for return. We recommend contacting us for assistance if you experience any issues receiving or downloading our products.

Contact us

If you have any questions about our Returns and Refunds Policy, please contact us:

By phone number: +91 7990309701

By email: